

We assist our patients in receiving world-class accommodation, medical care, and the excellent health care they might need under the supervision of Expert physicians.


We are powering patients to find the nearest and most efficient critical care units, specialized hospitals, and medical centers.


We assist our patients with dedicated medical assistance by reviewing their Medical treatment plan, Medication, and invoice cost containment.

- Daily consultant's follow-up 

- Expert physicians.

- 24/7 Doctors on call 

-all specialties 

- I.C.U - C.C.U - NICU - PICU

- Diagnostic Lab & Rad 

- Daily updated Medical Reports


Other Services

Healsy APP

"Healsy" allows patients to be guided to the nearest medical service providers using artificial intelligence techniques, ensuring the availability of all services needed by the patient.

Health care tourism

We provide a comprehensive service for Medical Tourism supporting our patient's during the Treatment journey by our exceptional health care providers.

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