
Are all doctors now in Macrocare?
We are keen to support Macrocare services with the best medical team and choose the best 3% of doctors in Egypt

Is Macrocare a medical service provider?
Macrocare team helps you in facilitating booking procedures in doctors’ clinics, knowing the costs of medical operations, obtaining home medical consultations and remote medical consultations, through reliable service providers who have all the necessary medical licenses in accordance with the laws of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the laws regulating the provision of medical service

What should I do if I face difficulty in dealing with Macrocare?
Contact us immediately via the WhatsApp button at the bottom left of the screen and one of our employees will help you

Will I pay extra fees when using Macrocare services?
No additional fees are charged when using Macrocare services

Does Macrocare provide medical tourism, travel and hotel reservation services?
Yes, Macrocare services help you receive all medical services, provide travel and flight reservations, hotel reservations and security approvals

Does Macrocare provide services to cardholders for medical insurance?
Macrocare helps you get your services in hospitals that are contracted with your medical insurance

Does Macrocare provide services to international medical insurance card holders?
Macrocare helps you receive health care and coordinate with your insurance company

Does Macrocare provide services to travel insurance card holders?
Macrocare helps you receive health care and coordinate with your insurance company

Does Macrocare provide remote medical consultation services?
Yes, Macrocare provides remote medical consultation services through medical service providers

Does Macrocare provide corporate services?
Macrocare provides solutions for companies by providing all medical network services at great discounts, providing an urgent medical help line for corporate employees, all home care services and mobile medical clinics.

How can I register as a medical service provider with Macrocare?
You can send an email to info@macro.care or a message via our WhatsApp and we will help you immediately.

Is my medical and personal data secured in Macrocare?
Personal data and your account information are secured as we use SSL site security techniques and have policies and coordination with medical service providers to maintain the confidentiality of medical reports which we never share except for health consultation for the patient him self

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